#i havent seen any of the other seasons by the way just that one
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catastrophicdisasters · 7 months ago
apologies, i'm still angry abt TUA S4
so, if we take out all of the blatant issues with the season (character assassination, 'resolutions' that create more plotholes than they solve, rushed scenes that make no sense, side plots that go nowhere, raymond vanishing for no reason, etc etc), what are we left with? let's see:
fatphobia (multiple jokes made about 'chubby Diego', when David just looks hydrated and healthy)
SA played for jokes (it's clear that Klaus having sex while possessed is supposed to be funny, but he's being held hostage and forced to do this for money, when we already know he didn't even want his powers back??)
problematic / borderline problematic age gaps (either way you spin it, either Five is physically 20-26 while Lila is likely mid 40s, or Five is mentally 70s while Lila is mid 40s; Aidan was 19 while filming, and Ritu was 34)
waiting for the actor to come of age before introducing a romance (we already know what some fans can be like over Five/Aidan, this will not have helped; I would be horrified if I found out the show runners had planned a romance arc with a coworked 15 years older than me and then waited for me to turn legal age to execute it)
sexism (i was reluctant to call it that but i also don't know what else to call it - Lila basically had her agency stripped away to become the love interest two men fought over; Steve wanted Five to have a romance and didn't care who with - use Lila simply because she was there)
complete disregard of character trauma (Klaus being buried alive despite it having been mentioned in every prior season that he was locked in a mausoleum by Reginald, including literally being left to die)
possible overstepping of an actor's boundaries (i've not been able to verify this, but i've seen it said that robert sheehan has requested not to do sex scenes?) (still havent been able to prove this; wasn't an issue with other roles so... hesitant to leave it)
actors requests being ignored (David asked multiple times if the Lila cheating sideplot was required, but clearly it went ahead anyway)
bad cgi
that awful vomit montage
Reginald (im not quite calling it abuse forgiveness but uh. it's not far off tbh)
i don't even know what to call this, but basically told the Hargreeves the abuse they suffered was their fault because they shouldn't even exist??
what did i miss? (im sure there's something)
from the replies:
the song in the ep3 dance scene uses a slur for romani people (and is also about a man and an underage girl)
SA dismissal (it's literally never addressed that Allison SA'd Luther last season. like, at all. everything's just a-okay now!)
more sexism (Allison's arc was also reduced to serving men; there's a single line to explain that Ray left, with no mention of why (i could go OFF about this but this post isn't supposed to be about mishandling of characters); even after everything, all her bonding with Claire comes through Klaus's storyline. also, Sloane is just gone and nobody gives a shit - Luther has one line and that's it??)
so many issues with consent (all of the girls shown in the place Klaus works look drugged / Klaus doesn't want to be there and doing any of that, it's all against his wishes / they all get their powers back against their wishes - although they do tell Ben that wasn't his choice to make / Klaus gets his powers back against his will when Allison is pressured to do it to save his life)
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agaypanic · 1 year ago
Could you write a regina x femme jock fic please
Welcome to the Team (Regina George X Jock!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: After her spine has fully healed, Regina’s doctor suggests she channels her anger into a sport. She chooses lacrosse, mainly because of the hot star player. 
A/N: basically just a meet cute fic. idk shit about lacrosse or sports in general, i was an orchestra + theater kid in high school. also i havent seen it yet so idk if renee’s regina joins the lacrosse team at the end, but i know that rachel’s regina did lol
Junior year was very eventful for Regina George. She was a mythic bitch, putting down anyone who so much as looked at her wrong. With the arrival of the new girl, Cady Heron, she saw an opportunity to add another girl to her posse of Plastics. But that new friendship ended with Regina George getting hit by a bus.
She survived, thank God. Her spine had broken, but it healed up in time for her senior year. Regina and Cady forgave each other for the things that had happened last year and were now on good terms. But the social hierarchy that Regina created seemed to die out, she was no longer the queen bee.
But now that Regina George was no longer focusing on being popular, she had time for other things. Like ogling one of the girls on the Lady Lions Lacrosse Team. Not so worried about always doing the ‘right’ thing, she didn’t feel ashamed by her stare or her thoughts. Deep down, she had probably always had a thing for you, the star lacrosse player. 
So when her doctor told her that she should join a sport to channel her anger in a healthier way, she immediately signed up to be a Lady Lion.
As she walked onto the field and saw the rest of the team getting ready for practice, Regina felt slightly intimidated. Not that she let that show. The most she knew about lacrosse was how hot you looked in your uniform. 
And then suddenly, you were standing right in front of her.
“Hey! Regina, right?” You asked, even though you obviously knew who she was. “Our new Lady Lion?”
“Yup.” Regina’s smile was unlike any other she had shown people; it seemed a bit timid. But you didn’t comment on it. “That’s me.”
“I’m Y/n.” You said, shaking her hand. Regina couldn’t help but notice how nice your hand felt in hers. “So, have you ever played lacrosse before?”
“No.” She gained the confidence to giggle and twirl her hair. She had never really flirted with a girl before, so she had to resort to the tactics she had used when trying to bag any guy in her grade. Not that she really had to try, they all dropped to her feet like obedient dogs when she so much as looked at them. But you were different; you actually had a brain. “I’ve only done P.E. sports.”
“Well, don’t worry.” You smiled at her, and she could feel butterflies all up in her stomach. “I’ll help you out. Come on! We’re about to start warm-ups.”
As Regina followed you to the middle of the field, where everyone else was stretching, she had only one thing on her mind. How to get you to be hers before the season was over.
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thecutepoison · 1 year ago
This is very speculative, but I'm suspecting Kipperlily is using the Ethereal Plane to spy on the Bad Kids and if I'm right I might have figured how she got found out by the rogue teacher!
First, let me explain my paranoid thoughts about the spying. Since ep 3, we are aware that Kipperlily is hearing their conversations, even if we don't know for sure the extent of it. She, just like Riz, must have a crazy stealth modifier + reliable talent, however I don't think she's relying only on that.
So, there's a scene in ep 4 when the Bad Kids roll for perception to spot Kipperlily. Kristen casts See Invisibility and Fabian rolls a nat 20. Brennan describes, only to Fabian, that although he doesn't see Kipperlily, he feels the "twinge of some kind of sense". Very creepy. That implies that she's there but cannot be seen. She could be invisible, however I don't think that's the case because an invisible person could still be perceived through hearing or touch. Also, Kristen would have been able to see her because of the spell.
With that in mind, the paranoid goblin that lives inside my brain is convinced that she's using the Ethereal Plane to spy on the Bad Kids. The Border Ethereal is perfect for infiltration and spywork, since you pass through physical objects and watch everything in the material plane without ppl there perceiving you. There are a couple of ways to access the Ethereal Plane, with spells or items, but I have no ideia abt the specific method she might be using.
Her being in the ethereal plane explains why Fabian, with his nat 20, didn't notice any physical indicatives of Kipperlily but still felt a presence, like some sixth sense. Now, Adaine did use her Third Eye so she could see into the Ethereal Plane within 60 feet and still saw nothing. But that doesn't mean that Kipperlily isn't there since there's a very easy way to circumvent Adaine: Non detection. This is a third level spell that hides the target from divination magic - for 8 hours they "can’t be targeted by any divination magic or perceived through magical scrying sensors". The Rat Grinders, long time haters of the Bad Kids, are for sure aware that Adaine is a divination wizard, they would be fools to spy on the party without casting Non Detection first. She's the motherfucking elven oracle!
Okay, now about the rogue teacher. In ep 3, Siobhan theorizes the rogue professor is the ghost teacher. I think she's absolutely right! We know most teachers of Aguefort and even if the ghost one was among those we havent seen, the Bad Kids would probably have heard about them if they were teaching something like ranger class. It's plausible that the reason for the party having no ideia who they are and not even passing by them in the halls is that the ghost is the rogue professor. After all, no one knows who the hell they are, it's the whole point of their teaching method. And for a ghost it would be really easy to go undetected since they can travel through the Ethereal Plane, beside the insane stealth.
Indulge my conspiracy theories for a minute. Rogue professor = Ghost Teacher and Kipperlily can wander in the Ethereal Plane, the plane of ghosts. Even with the advantage of being on the same plane as the teacher, it would still be a nightmare to find them since they are a pro rogue. In fact, Kipperlily didn't achive that: the rogue teacher found her.
But how did she manage to have the professor find her? I'm sure it wasn't an accident, she's too calculating for that. So, I started thinking about what would I do in her place and came up with the stupidest ideia. It's utterly ridiculous. But it could totally work and the strategy seems kinda Kipperlily's style.
Remember the Ghost Steak? The one Fig tried to eat when she invaded the teacher's lounge in season one? It's the ghost teacher's lunch, and Brennan reestablished its existence in ep 3 when Adaine used Ethereal Sight, explaining that the school wards are porous enough to allow ethereal travel and other stuff.
So if I was Kipperlily, my dumbass plan would go as follows: invade the teacher's lounge through the ethereal plane and hide inside the fridge. It wouldn't be a problem for me since I'm intangible and can pass through stuff, plus the other professors wouldn't see me even if they opened the fridge. Inside, I wait as long as needed, until the Rogue/Ghost Teacher gets hungry. They finally open the fridge to grab their snack, only to find me looking at them from inside the fridge like a lunatic. Mission complete: got found by the rogue teacher and aced junior year!
It's so mundane and stupid and that makes me more convinced that's exactly what happened. It's too funny to not be true.
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disgracedaantt · 7 days ago
yellowjackets s3 ep3 theory
ok so I havent seen anyone point this out yet, but im pretty sure the girls are still starving? this ties in with the whole yellow filter theory (is there a actual name for that btw?) Because I think things aren't what they seem!!!
(spoilers for s3 ahead be warned)
so, we're shown in episode 1 that the girls have set up a functional animal farm AND we're told by Gen that there is plenty of deer to be hunted. this, along with the fact that they are willing to expend a lot of energy and time playing games like capture the bone and have a fairly extravagant feast implies that the girls (and travis) are all doing well in terms of food. however, in both episodes 1 and 3 we are shown evidence that directly contrasts this idea!!!
first example happens with Coach Ben in episode 1 when he comes across the food stash. we know that out of everyone he has probably been showing the most thruthful version of the wilderness (see the Jackie feast scene). so, right before he finds the pit we're shown an empty rabbit(?) trap that he resets. this on its own doesn't necessarily mean anything other than he got unlucky, but we've also been repeatedly shown since season 1 (when he taught the girls how to hunt and field dress animals) that he's got a good grasp on outdoor survival even with his missing leg. i dont think we see him catch or find any food during that whole sequence until he finds the food stash, which is a bit odd considering that according to the girls there is plenty of food to be found, which ties into my second point: Akilah's hallucination.
immediately after finding the berry bushes in her hallucination sequence she begins eating them incredibly fast and almost aggressively (like shes STARVING), when within the girls own reasoning there should be no reason for her to react so manically. we are told explicitly in episode 2 by Nat that there are plenty of berry bushes in multiple different areas (one of which being where we know Coach Ben is, so shouldn't he, an experienced outdoorsman, have been able to locate some, hm?). so we can deduce that akilahs reaction probably isnt just excitement at having fresh fruit! she was also one of the girls who were being served food at the feast, so we know that she just had access to a fair amount of food in the last day or so, so there shouldnt be any reason for to be as hungry as she seems
those are my main 2 examples of the fact that there doesnt seem to be nearly as much food as the girls are saying there is, but id also like to point out the fact that Mari ate a fucking bat? like it was likely just part of the ruse to get the bear spray from Coach Ben, but also thats one hell of a risk for her to take considering that bats are well known (even in the 90s) carriers of rabies. and while shes not the sharpest tool in the shed, she has shown that shes intelligent enough to trick both shauna and ben, so its not totally far out to assume shes smart enough to know that. and frankly i dont know if id be willing to risk getting rabies or some other disease unless im actually starving so, just pointing that out :)
id also like to point out that the feast in episode 1 looks a lot like the hallucination from when they ate Jackie! including the way the table is set up and the outfits!!! which makes me think that along with the weird yellow filter that all of that is just an idealized version of reality that the girls are projecting
also back to the animal farm, how did they manage to catch live rabbits? as someone whos owned multiple rabbits, its basically fucking impossible to catch them when they get loose outside and dont want to be caught, which im assuming since these are WILD rabbits that they do not. also, as many have pointed out, that they also have a domesticated breed of duck? could be just an unintentional thing, but considering how in depth and full of meaning every other detail of the show is id be surprised if it wasnt intentional!
tl:dr: the yellowjackets say they have a lot of food, but never actually show them catching or finding any and act like they are starving when presented with food. (and Mari eats a fucking bat) so methinks they are not doing as good as they say they are
sry this got long and rambly and idk maybe this is all a reach and im grasping at straws but i thought id just put it out there in case someone else thought the same. im not a theorist so pls do not eviscerate me if this sounds stupid pls and thank u :)
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izzyshandz · 1 year ago
I swear if i see one more mf say izzy has been 'redeemed' or needed a 'redemption arc' im literally going to scream into my pillow until i lose my voice.
redeem is such a black and white way of looking at his entire character and dismisses everything hes gone through and yall (izzy haters and others) are just so fucking snob nosed and ignorant to sit there and think hes a villain because of how he acted. theyre fucking pirates. theyre not perfect, none of them are. eds a villain, stedes a villain, if youre doing it like that. ed has killed so many people, stede literally left his wife and kids and also had a hand in killing people; it may be easier for them to change because of the perspective the show gives them and they had love but izzy did not. everyone hated him, ed, his own crew, stedes crew.
normalizing peoples reactions to things as something other than villainy and heroism is so god damn important in a show that's trying to accurately involve our perspectives in this day and age. its a tale as old as time, making someone 'completely in the wrong' because their perspective isnt the one you aligned with as much.
like the rest of the crew izzy had his own bad things hes done, he didnt need this 'redemption' everyones blabbering on about. he needed to be fucking heard, to be seen, and acknowledged-- not thrown aside and abandoned because of a whim. you all can ride up blackbeards ass because oh hes so hot, hes so pretty omg wow; but that wont ever change the fact his character is a fucked up person... youre allowed to love him anyways, why not izzy? we didnt see blackbeard before screen but how hes mentioned it shows he was a shit awful person, the only reason no one cares is because on hes fuckin gay for stede or whatever so the main characters get a free ride. ( i agree they all get a free ride, im just tired of this izzy isolation man )
why does he need to be redeemed in your eyes? just because youve seen what hes done? he was literally a product of his environment in season one he was a product of blackbeard's leadership. only with the loyalty and solidarity of the crew did he really begin to find himself, thats fucking hard to do that late in life. instead of calling it some bullshit black and white redemption arc, lets just celebrate izzy being himself and being fucking loved for once in his god damn life.
hes also way more fucking mature and put together than people give him credit for. love you izzy.
edit: thank you all for the reblogs and insights in every single one, i read them i promise i do. im just so mf heartbroken we have to tag things as discourse when its really just about people not being compassionate. (as a couple people have pointed out) i will said id reblog and comment on every single tag but this is my side </3 EVERYONE PLEASE READ THE REBLOGGED TAGS TOO / / theyre so real ! ive also opened up that ask box thingy i havent been on tumblr in yrs and have 0 clue how any of that works if anyone wants my perspective on anything izzy related. *or otherwise ofmd related
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steveharrington · 7 months ago
Have we seen Steve interacting with authority figures? I feel like we must have at some point but I can't think of any... which is maybe why I struggle to imagine what Steve and Hopper/Joyce sharing a scene might look like. I guess there's that scene with Barb's parents?
we HAVENT ‼️ hardly anyways! off the top of my head i’m fairly sure that the only adults we’ve seen steve interact with (and i define interacting by him talking to them directly or vice versa) are barb’s parents like you said, the guys he walked up to cleaning the theater marquee, and the russian general. genuinely cannot think of anyone else. isn’t that so upsetting
i wouldn’t call barb’s parents or the movie marquee guys authority figures per se, but i do think you could kinda categorize ozerov that way. at the very least, he has massive power over steve (literally has him tied up and drugged). i think it’s notable that of these instances where steve is sharing a scene with an adult, he is consistently doing some sort of repentance. cleaning up the marquee, visiting barb’s parents after she died in his backyard, and being beaten for finding the operation (which served as a larger message to steve that once again reminds him he was an Evil Little Boy). we’ve never seen steve interact with an adult to receive comfort or protection—it’s always the opposite, actually. uncomfortable at the very least, literally being tortured at the most.
i think a very underrated moment is steve threatening ozerov by saying that hopper is going to save them. i think it’s sooooo genuinely deeply sad, actually! he so confidently thought hopper (and other adults ie the us calvary) were going to come save him and robin, when actually no one even knew they were down there. if dustin and erica hadn’t saved them, literally no one would have!!!! the same protection that hopper and joyce provide the other kids/teens don’t really extend to steve and robin, which makes sense logically since they’re kinda on the outskirts. they are not their children or close friends of their children. but i think that line is so meaningful and sad because it kinda implies that steve thinks of himself as falling under that umbrella of protection, but he doesn’t :(
that’s not to say that i think hopper is canonically like “fuck steve harrington i don’t care about that kid”, but the writing in st thus far hasn’t really been dynamic enough to give us glimpses into the various ways that All these kids/teens/adults are inherently tied together after going through category 5 monster moments every half a year together. i really hope season 5 remedies that (it sounds and looks like they might?) by giving us these rare interactions between characters who have almost been killed by the exact same Creature several times but have somehow never talked. i also want so badly for someone to acknowledge that steve becomes the de facto adult when joyce and hopper aren’t around (i know mom steve jokes got annoying but they stemmed from his behavior clearly modeling that of a Parent with the kids) and maybe give us insight into how steve views himself….does he feel like an adult? would he view hopper as an authority figure, or would he almost see him as a peer and equal considering they both end up being the meat shields when it comes to fighting people and monsters? i need to know…..
i do think we’ll get at least a crumb of steve and hopper in s5, at least because david harbour and joe keery have both talked about wanting to share scenes and it would be so mean of the writers to just be like no sorry we don’t have time for a 2 second interaction in this 10 hour season LOL but we shall see <3
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frenchiefreyed · 2 months ago
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[UNPRECEDENTED AMOUNT OF YAPPING INCOMING!!] TW: child neglect/abuse, postwar/dystopian worlds
Hello! My hyperfixation on Dan vs. is going strong and I have resolved myself to feed that hyperfixation by creating pony OCs that are meant to fit into my personal pony AU that I have been working on for many years. It is kind of funny to be introducing Tyran to Tumblr because of a ponified Dan vs. OC... But here we are.
Dan's "real name" is Impedance, a name given to him by his parents, who were, if it wasn't obvious by the name, very unhappy at his unexpected arrival. Well, his unexpected existence, really. Neither parent had had any idea that Dan's mother was pregnant before she had entered labor. This is equated both to Dan's mother already experiencing "morning sickness" prior to ever being pregnant and to Dan being so tiny that there was no visible sign of pregnancy. Sometime during grade school (likely elementary school or early middle school; not sure on specifics quite yet) Dan either created his own "Dan" nickname ("dan" being present in the word "impedance" and sounding a lot better than "imp", his parents' nickname for him), or somebody else did (maybe Chris, or some other friend of his, since I do plan on Dan having more friends than he is shown to have in Dan vs.). He doesn't mind "Impedance" being on legal documents and IDs, but he generally prefers friends never to know that it is his full name and he especially does not want anybody to actually refer to him that way. Outwardly, he is surprisingly relaxed when called "Impedance" and corrects the mistake with almost off-putting calmness, but he is quick to anger if the "mistake" continues to happen. Chris and Elise both know is 'real name' but Chris has not really picked up on the implications of his parents naming him that (while Elise has). Chris, after learning about the name, mostly just agreed with it, citing the stress that Dan has caused them -- this likely hurt Dan, even if it wasn't intentional. It is likely common for Chris to say mean things about Dan with the expectation that Dan "has no heart" to be hurt (this is mostly based on my feeling in the show that Chris is extremely unaware of why Dan actually is the way that he is and mostly just seems to see Dan as a bother, understandably so but still incorrectly so I think. Still only on season 1 so maybe that changes in episodes i havent seen lol)
In MLP:FiM I don't think it's super clear what age it is most common to receive one's cutie mark, but I am thinking in my AU it would happen, on average, around age 13-14 (and it also isn't clear whether cutie marks go hand-in-hand with the start of puberty, either, but on Tyran they will not be hand-in-hand -- in other words, getting a cutie mark is not tied to puberty in any way other than the spiritual idea of "growing older"/maturing. This makes the most sense to me, since them being tied together directly would imply that a pony who never received a cutie mark would never hit puberty). Dan got his cutie mark when he was 8. His cutie mark is able to change somewhat [cutie marks changing isn't something that is ever, as far as I know, shown in MLP, but it is something I love to mess around with with my own personal AUs and OCs, so this isn't necessarily Dan-specific and, while certainly more rare than the alternative, is not so rare as to be mindblowing or revolutionary]. I'm not sure yet whether I'll have it be that the TV itself can change shape/color/type, but I do know that the screen will be able to change. The most common screens for his cutie mark will be static, SMPTE color bars, or a black screen. I think the screen will always be black when he is sleeping, although it could be interesting if the screen could change to something else when he is dreaming (implying that the screen being "alive" relates directly to Dan's consciousness?). I will definitely be exploring this more in the (probably near) future.
As mentioned before, the world these characters live in is called Tyran. It is a distant-future postwar AU that takes place at least 1000 years after My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic ends. A lot has changed since then, including Princess Celestia and Princess Luna (princesses/goddesses ruling over the sun and moon respectively) having been revealed to be frauds -- unable to actually move the sun or moon, instead using illusory magic -- and the entire world being taken over by a ruthless tyrant. Tyrani (the overthrower in question)'s reign lasts several decades and leads to almost complete extinction of all life on the planet, before she is ultimately herself usurped by a rebellion. "Tyran" is the name given to the planet after Celestia and Luna are overthrown, replacing its pre-existing name "Equus". Ultimately this renaming is a bit better since "Equus" is very horse-centric and there are lots of species that live on the planet that aren't horses, but it is also not considered a perfect name to most that live on Tyran because it serves as a constant scar and reminder of Tyrani's past reign and how much damage she caused the planet.
I won't get into the backstory of my main OC/sona Thunderzolt in this particular post (that's a whole other can of worms on its own), but Dan is born roughly at the same time as Zolt, maybe a few months to a year apart. This would place Dan at being generally no older than 21 during most of the story that I have plotted for Zolt thus far, but several different ages will likely be explored since a lot happens throughout these years. The same, of course, goes for Chris and Elise, although Elise might be a few years older than the others. Dan, Chris, and Elise (although Chris and Elise will probably have different names?) all live on the continent of Tyrangue, which is the most repaired region on the planet. It's so repaired, in fact, that its residents can almost feel as though the world itself is "back to normal" even when it is very much not. The closer to the outskirts of Tyrangue you go, the more signs of past war are evident. Since Tyrani's dethroning, there have been hundreds of deities that have been assigned dominion over various different things, from as powerful/broad as time itself to as specific/"miniscule" as toothpicks. The first 27 deities (called "Primary Deities") were members of the rebellion that directly resulted in Tyrani's death, and all of them are exceedingly powerful. Tyrangue is where most of the deities live. The deities are, generally, working pretty tirelessly to try to heal the further regions of Tyran from the nuclear/magical warfare Tyrani had caused. While there are many who do legitimately see deities as frauds/hacks and who absolutely do not trust them (fairly enough, considering Tyran's history), Dan's personal distrust of deities stems more from his overall lack of trust in authority figures rather than any legitimate belief that they are not actually powerful or worthy of respect. However, I am considering the idea that one of his parents might be a deity themselves, which contributes partially to the neglect by them being too busy. If they were a deity, they would probably be one that is heavily respected and outwardly presents as a very charitable individual, while being nasty and horrible towards their own son at home. This could not only explain why Dan is so bitter towards deities in particular but also anyone that outwardly tries to seem nice or friendly or giving in the public eye. It is fairly common for there to be tension/conflict between Dan and Chris because Chris has a lot more overt loyalty/respect for deities and is often irritated at Dan when Dan refers to deities as "hacks", "fraudsters", "idiots", or any slew of other similar insults. Dan not only gains amusement from Chris being so bothered by the insults but also finds himself unable to express his emotions enough to clarify the actual root of his distrust, so he has resigned himself to Chris seeing him as someone who is 'crazy' or 'disloyal'. I think it's likely that Elise will be working for the deities in some way, but I am not sure exactly what she will be doing since the deities are generally pretty open about their actions. Maybe she will bodyguard for important figures/gather intel about potential "bad actors" in society? Regardless, I think Dan wouldn't have any issues with Elise's choice of work even if he himself struggles with distrust of deities. It's likely that Dan would be at least acquainted with Zolt which would, on top of Elise's career path, probably result in him interacting with deities on occasion (usually, probably, by force or circumstance). Elise has probably caught on that Dan has a particular anxiety surrounding deities, and might have suspicions about what that might mean, but it's unlikely that she actually knows exactly what his deal is with that.
Dan tells himself that Chris should know better than to think that he would genuinely be malicious at heart, but knows deep down that it is ultimately his own fault for keeping up such a strong facade for so long. In some ways, Elise understands Dan even better than Chris does, despite not being nearly as close to him. Elise is an excellent judge of character and, although she sees him as a bit of a nuisance at times, she is the only one (between her and Chris, anyway) that has actually picked up on the fact that Dan had a distinctly horrible childhood. Chris knows that it wasn't the best childhood ever, but doesn't think that Dan could possibly have been fully neglected or abused (this ignorance isn't malicious on Chris' part; he just perceives abuse as being something that is so rare that it is unlikely Dan could have experienced it, and perceives sufferers of abuse as being a lot more dysfunctional than Dan. If Chris were to be informed of Dan's actual history, I think he would immediately accept it as reality and feel extremely heartbroken by the revelation. Elise probably tries to uphold Dan's secret, both out of respect for Dan's privacy and for not wanting to break Chris' heart, which I think Dan secretly deeply appreciates).
Dan is capable of expressing care for others but only in specific situations, and usually when conditions are perfect, which is rare. He is, however, emphatically capable of expressing love, adoration, and care for non-sentient animals and creatures, even nuclear mutants. Unlike the Dan we see in the show at the beginning of "Animal Shelter", this Dan would never reach a point where he would remotely conceive of harming animals. This is because he befriended wild animals before he ever befriended any ponies, and he sees animals as only attacking him if they are scared or "can't help it", whereas sentient life will attack you for enjoyment or just because they can. For the first ten-or-so years of his life, animals were the closest things to friends that he had. Nothing sends him into more of an uncontrollable rage than the sight, or even idea of, animals being mistreated or harmed. He sees himself in a lot of animals, especially scraggly, goofy ones, so he is completely unwilling to tolerate any mistreatment of them. He will actively bring harm to those who he sees as harming or abusing animals, even to the point of going way too far. He often needs to be talked down by Chris or Elise when he is in these fits of rage, although they do agree with his anger (so their "holding Dan back" is more out of a sense of not wanting him to get in serious trouble/get hurt rather than disagreeing with Dan's emotions). Animal abuse isn't the only thing that enrages Dan, of course -- it is just the fastest to bring him to that point. Dan is inconvenienced and angered by practically everything and he is notorious for his extreme stubbornness when it comes to upholding principles that he deems important. He fixates on the tiniest wrongs that have been dealt his way and struggles to think about anybody or anything else until he has exacted his revenge. Compared to Dan from the show, I think this Dan is a bit more independently capable and does not rely as much on Chris, especially because he has a wider array of friends and acquaintances that he can ask for help if he needs it (which, admittedly, he often does).
Although Dan manages to control his jealousy and anger when seeing others in romantic relationships, he does experience it, and often around Valentine's Day he becomes extremely reclusive.
Dan is somewhat stuck in a cycle of bad karma being dealt to him and his own feeling justified in "retaliating against the world" for the results of that bad karma. It's undeniable that Dan's upbringing was not his fault and that it has had massive negative impacts on his psyche, but he also receives a lot of cosmic punishment for the negativity he puts out into the world and, from his position, cannot understand that that is what is happening. He sees the horrible things that happen to him as just the universe, or the deities, hating him and holding a grudge against him, when in reality at least some of it is just a result of his own negativity coming back to bite him. This is one of the things that I relate to most about Dan; the tendency a lot of traumatized people have to believe that the world is out to get them without realizing how much our quality of life might be affected by our outlooks. Over time, Dan will grow and develop into a pony who is better able to express himself and heal, but that will take a lot of time and effort...
A lot of this is subject to change, but I like a lot of what I've cooked up so far so there's a good chance a lot of this won't be changing too much.
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nerves-nebula · 2 years ago
Hello. I have never seen an "teenage mutant ninja turtles" show, comic, or movie. The characters however, appeal to me. If any one show or movie would suffice, where should I begin? Other sources have not been helpful.
OHHH GODDD OK WELL. OK SO. the thing is that different iterations are SO different i'm not entirely convinced that comparing them to each other is very ?? helpful?? a lot of people these days get into tmnt through the 2018 animated show Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles. HOWEVER, that show only has like 2 seasons and is not the end all be all of the tmnt universe.
it's kind of hard for me to advise you to watch or read any one specific piece of tmnt media to get into it, because I kind of just already knew about it the entire time growing up?? like i never really actively watched it but i was generally aware of the concept for my entire life.
and i'm not sure exactly ABOUT the tmnt characters interests you, so i wouldn't know where to point you.
with all that as a disclaimer here's some of the more popular film/tv shows (I'm about as lost as you when it comes to the comics to be honest)
ROTTMNT/rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles. it's the newest series as far as i know and it has fantastic animation. it's very funny and lighthearted most of the time and the boys even get magic powers (eventually) it's the one that really got me into tmnt. this one kind of switches around the roles of the characters. Usually you'll see Raph being depicted as the rash one, or the one with anger issues who strikes out on his own (and i still think thats true to an extent in rottmnt) but he, as well as Leo, are definitely portrayed in a different way than normal in rottmnt. which i like tbh it's fun. (i could write a whole essay about how their characters are different but also kind of the same in rottmnt vs other media but that would take all day)
TMNT 2012 series. The 2012 series is very influential as well, and heavily beloved by many. I haven't seen all of it yet, but it's biggest drawbacks (to me at least) is its very 2010's american childrens show style of comedy which can come off as uncomfortably cruel/annoying if you aren't ok with it. it's also an early years CGI animated show, so sometimes things don't look as good as they could. STILL it's definitely interesting and i like the dynamics between the brothers there so I'd give it a chance.
TMNT 2003 series. honestly i havent heard a lot about this one, but i really like the style and ive watched a few episodes of it, and it's definitely solid, sorry i can't say much more than that.
TMNT 1987 series. also can't say much about this one but it is hella goofy from what i've watched of it. it's also the original cartoon series i believe, airing as a sort of "saturday morning cartoon" situation.
TMNT 1990 movie. this one is part of a trilogy of tmnt movies, but i've only seen the first and a half movies. I really enjoyed the first one, it was a fun time and kind of campy, and the guy who plays casey jones is cute. this one is live action and the turtle costumes can look off putting to some people, but personally i liked them.
im sure people in the replies/reblogs of this post will add their opinions too haha
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euniexenoblade · 3 months ago
Mordred do you have any anime or manga recommendations you havent talked about recently?
I feel like there's a lot of anime I never talk about for one reason or another, like RN I'm writing up a whole thing about maidime (maid anime) for my anime blog and if I ever get it done then yay but it's dragging lmao
But yeah, I really liked the adaptation of Children of the Whales, the world building is insane and the animation was so spectacular for a TV anime. Really stands apart from most shows.
I really like the show Erased. Time travel and time loops aren't that uncommon but still I felt that Erased found a really neat way to tackle the topic of it. It's a real fucked up story so trigger warnings for child murder and serial killer shit, but for real spectacular show. Basically there's a serial killer and dude goes back in time to be his kid self and uses his adult knowledge to try and stop the killer.
I mention this show plenty I think but I always need to sing it's praises, Humanity Has Declined is probably in my top 15 TV shows. It's such a fun, bright take on a post apocalypse and it's so funny. If you take anything away from this post, watch this show. Whenever I try to compare it to anything, the only thing I can think of is Adventure Time, it's a bright whimsical comical telling of happenings after an apocalypse. Though plot wise it's nothing like AT so, maybe the comparison isn't the best. But essentially the protagonist is a UN representative to go between the remaining humans and the newly evolved fairies. The arcs are in reverse chronological order and its lovely tbh lol.
Time of Eve is one of the first shows I really hooked into. It got rereleased as a movie, so whatever version you find is right. But it's about a world where there's robot house keepers and shit and one day the protag follows his robot to a coffee shop where robots meet and have the ability to be free. It's very nice and I should rewatch it I haven't seen it in a long ass time.
To get that yuri rep in there, if you've never watched Maria-sama ga Miteru (Maria Watches Over Us) you gotta drop your toes in. It's four seasons but you'll know if it's for you or not right away. A girl attends an all girls Catholic school and gets caught up in the student council and the personalities in it. Imo this is the premier Class S yuri and I love this series so much.
I could go on and on honestly.
As for manga, I'd say my manga opinions are very known cuz I post all sorts of screencaps and shit as I read, but considering most of that was on my old blog.
Read Liberta. Just do it. Vampire lesbian escapism fantasy. It's awesome.
The Summer Hikaru Died is a gay horror. Basically a dude's best friend goes missing and then suddenly turns back up months later. But the dude knows it's not his friend because he saw his friend's dead body in the forest. That's not a spoiler, that's like 4 pages in. It's phenomenal.
I think I see people try to disparage it these days, but Future Diary was a really good read. Dude ends up in a weird game where his cell phone tells the future and he has to kill other people who have prophetic phones (and vice versa) so they may become a new god. But on top of this one of the players is a yandere girl obsessed with being with him. The anime adaptation is good too just be ready for them to show. Too much. Watch the TV show version and not the Blu-rays, they uncensored stuff in the Blu-ray and it's such a weird decision when you see it.
Goodbye Eri and Look Back are both one shots by the Chainsaw Man author. Both deal with losing someone dear to you at a young age and both handle it in completely different ways. Both are fantastic though.
I could go on and on and on
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vindickyoutive · 9 months ago
ok so thoughts on the first 3 eps.
- annie being a childhood bully, i kinda seen it coming. i feel like her mother’s narcissism & projection most likely instilled this sense of entitlement within her in her youth. interesting reveal, i wonder how this’ll come up again later on in the season now that the first half is presumably done.
- hughie’s mom lmfmdmdd that theory i had with his mom also being homelander’s mom seems kinda dead in the water, especially with the post partum & attempted suicide explanation. also hughie & victoria nueman were definitely a thing idc what anyone says, i’ll write the fic myself!
- mm being the leader!! mm kinda being mediocre at it but not messy! also his fight with billy was.. 😕 really feeling like they’re going to do down the comics route & it might be gut wrenching, but who knows!! it seems like they’re still changing things up. (everything that’s going on with black noir’s character)
- frenchie/kimiko, i’ve never seen a captive-savior, friends to siblings to lover, back to siblings to friends trope before and i gotta say.. i could care less either way, makes for an entertaining watch though!
- sister sage, i’d let her sit on my face. that’s it. that’s all. in all seriousness though, wow, talk about a fresh face!! her dynamic with homelander is chefs kiss & the fact that they’re literally going everywhere together the first 3 eps is hilarious, it’s like mean girls but just two girls. homelander literally going out of his comfort zone to recruit her, wooooooooooooooooooooo
- firecracker, not much thoughts on her yet. her backstory with starlight is eyebrow raising but that’s pretty much it!
now to the big 3
- ryan.. oh my precious little angel. god where do i start. first off cameron corvetti is doing an amazing job, really selling how emotionally torn ryan is. ryan himself is such a fascinating character in this season especially, & i love that we’re finally seeing him make his OWN decisions. he went to go see butcher. by himself. he misses butcher, and he knew that it would upset his father but they showed that the boy has his own desires & his own autonomy. every season we either saw ryan with someone by his side, whether it be an adult figure or just anyone else - always making decisions for him or telling him how he should feel about this or that.
he’s told how he should perceive his father, what he should do, what he shouldn’t do, what his future may be. i feel like now, with all those external layers aside, we’re going to see ryan’s approach on things now, especially the later episodes that’ll come out & i’m so excited. god, i’m so sad for him. i have more to say on ryan but i can’t even put it into words.
- billy, billy, billy! still a mess. it’s so interesting seeing him still make borderline bad decisions & pulling out of them, but this time he pulled out of one early. thank god. drugging ryan? that was not going to end well. 💀
like i said, how low he is this season has got to be the lowest we’ve seen him since the beginning of season 2? the beginning of each season he’s pretty down under, but this one just feels different. especially considering that between every interaction someone is basically telling him that’s he’s a deadman walking. 6months, 6months, 6months!! seeing him patch things up with ryan is a balm to my soul, seeing him make ryan smile, balm to my soul, oh & he missed becca so much gaaaaahhh!! on the bright side, seeing him so low, he’s got to get a win soon & i’m ready to see what it’ll be! i wonder how the writers are going to navigate his illness, i still am leaning towards the idea that he might get powers himself. (i havent read any voughthq spoilers other than the few i’ve seen around regarding a bit of hl, these are raw thoughts, most of the time.)
- homelanderrerereeererererrrerererrr
more personal season for him, imo. we seen his morning routine, seen his tits, seen him OUT OF HIS GODDAMN SUITTTT, seen him have an early severe mental episode after he found out ryan was with butcher. next few episodes should do a deep dive, finally, on the torment & abused he suffered through as a child. and i’m just… devastated. now to be truthful, it was a SHAKY start. i didn’t like the taste in my mouth with all of the trump references, & some bits of how he was treating ryan, especially with being all controlling?? if that makes sense? considering how sorta gentle he was with him in season 2 or 3. forcing ryan into this & that, kinda didn’t really align with what whatever they had going on in the prior seasons. i feel like they just wanted to push the envelope a bit, & not so subtly say, hey, he’s not a good dad but the writers don’t know homelander like EYE do so. i mean, we ALL know he’s not the best dad, & his thirst for being the best dad for ryan is the conflict between him & ryan imo 🙂 he wants to give ryan what he never had, he wants everything to be PERFECT for ryan but ryan feels like he doesn’t deserve it, which pushes & pulls at ryan, especially since homelander is all ryan has left in a way. unfortunately, at the end of the day, they both need each other. & that’s how i’ve always seen that pairing.
anyways, episode 3, they kinda got back on track. hmm. i feel like this wouldn’t push ryan completely away from him though, & a delusional part of me sees homelander apologizing to ryan (not a straight up ‘i’m sorry about that’ ofc) perhaps an attempt on giving him a milkshake idk 🥹
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watchyourbuck · 11 months ago
it's just to me a bad sign on how things will go moving forward especially if the buck/tommy ship doesn't go away come season 8 like you are all clearly thinking it will or if it does but they revisit it later. eddie isn't confirmed to be queer in canon yet, he might never be so what's the plan? shitting on the canon romances buck gets and/or patronizingly praising them as long as they serve buddie endgame?
babe you went on a TRIP. ok so im not sure which answer you want me to give you here. fandoms work in specific ways, and this fandom has always been primarily buddie. granted, up until 7x04 they only dated women, but alas, they havent dated each other is my point.
its only natural that people who ship buddie endgame may like to partake on Buck's newest relationship but only as a relationship bound to break to make space for buddie - because thats what they (or we, i guess) ship.
i dont know whats gonna happen next season, or god, this one, but i know ive never taken a shit on any of their partners unless they have done something wrong. never liked taylor bc she was so selfish and played dirty, but lucy and ana and shannon i never had any trouble with, i just didnt see them as that character's forever (and marisol i dont like bc of the actress, but we can get into that later).
thing is, people are gonna ship whatever they ship. you cant change that. im not exactly sure why you went on the bisexual tangent, but as a queer person i can tell you its got nothing to do with sexuality. my advice to you as a person who curates her fandom experience is to blatantly stay away from blogs, fics and fanons you dont enjoy. fandoms are optional, this is supposed to be something that you do in your spare time and love, so why go meddle where you know you dont feel comfortable?
personally, im riding both trains right now, and i enjoy fanfics in most of their forms, so im gonna write/read fanfics where tommy isnt his final love, or some where he is, or threesomes where they end up together (all of them), or where they dont. its fiction! it can vary and spiral and - you get it.
about canon queer eddie, its not something i have the power to decipher. if you follow me, or if youve seen my posts, you should know i think hes queer, but im not gonna go down that road right now bc technically, that doesnt matter for the question. if he never becomes canonically queer, then, well, sometimes we lose. not for that im gonna "shit" or "praise patronizingly" any of their love interestes as long as they are good people who make them happy, whatever gender they are.
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nalyra-dreaming · 7 months ago
Hey Nalyra !
I've been (obsessively) thinking about Louis and Lestat's relationship going forward and what it might look like in future seasons but there is one thing that has been niggling me and i would love to hear your thoughts on it.
We know vampires' immortality makes the concept of full on monogamy almost laughable etc. But how do you think the show will interpret Loustat's past open relationship/Antoinette from Lestat's pov (if it ever does).
We all have headcanons about what Lestat inteoducing Antoinette into the picture back then was about (his motivations, insecurities, even Louis' reaction to it) but is that something that you think will be acknowledged in some way in the show do you think ?
Obviously we're not the showrunners but i guess even if its not i would love to know your take on it in the context of the show characters this time and the way they have been adapted so far.
I hope i'm making sense and that i havent asked something that has already been dissected by you. Im rather new to tumblr. So if there is a post about it already feel free to just direct me to it !
... mhhhh "Antoinette" has come up a few times indeed, but in a lot of asks/posts, so... let me condense my thoughts here^^
I don't think Antoinette has anything to do with (deliberate) non-monogamy and everything with the lack of intimacy that came through the rejection of feeding and the failing try at getting Louis to feed.
That said, Antoine(tte) is a canon character in the books - he survives the burning and shows up in the later books, and is accepted and welcomed in the places they live at (much later).
There is a part in the later books that make it very clear that Lestat did not only go to Antoinette for sex, but because he wanted to pour out his heart, vent if you will.
We see echoes of that in the "hotel scene". As such, I think the tale we have seen so far may have put a big emphasis on cheating, but I think Lestat's view of her might be another one. We'll see. It depends on what they want to do with Antoinette still (if anything!) - they put Antoinette into male attires after her turning, too, which likely was no coincidence either, given Gabrielle's behavior after her turning.
I don't think they are going to go any "open relationship" route with Antoinette - I think Lestat's view of her was more a confidante, and friend (with benefits) than anything else. If Antoinette survived and shows up again (like in the books) it will be hugely interesting to see how they will make Louis react - though that will depend heavily on when Antoinette shows up again.
Because in the books that happens at the time when Louis has finally come to some self-acceptance.
The show seems to have pulled that up a bit, which I can understand - which in turn opens the show for other developments :)
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is-on-its-way · 9 months ago
my problem with iwtb... I think?
Okay Im not sure Im eloquent enough to meta my feelings on this topic, I also havent seen enough past season 8s finale to really have perfect opinions on this, but from the clips I see on here and reddit etc. I have issues I need to work out…  
There is something about the characterisation of Mulder in IWTB that really annoys me. And please correct me if Im wrong on his motivations. Usually my protest is the mistreatment of Scully. But in this case I think theres a certain mistreatment of Mulder’s character that really irks the shit out of me. 
Firstly Mulder comes off as Tom Brady in this movie. So single minded and stuck in his ways he couldn’t possibly figure out how to live his life without the one thing that he thinks makes him successful or that he lives for. Two things... its the wrong obsession (more on that in a moment) and this is the opposite of where his character has been hurtling since he met Scully so as written it makes no sense.
The thing mulder was obsessed with and searching for since he was 13 years old was solved. He got his answer when he found out what happened to his sister. He was freed from his lifelong quest. He even was ready to give the agent thing up in the s7 finale, telling Scully the price had been too high and she needed to stop. Meaning he would also be stopping, bc he never wanted to do it without her. Sure he wanted to keep fighting in 8 to protect his baby, but they got rid of the baby atp, so Im not gonna get into that rn.
Turning him into the FBI agent ghost of Tom Brady was… a choice. Throwing away the love of his life, the one who believed him, the one who listened and supported him and loved him back endlessly for what? To help the organisation that tried to murder him? No. I just dont really believe it at all, because it's just not believable. 
Secondly, would he maybe have a midlife crisis? Sure. Would he be lost or depressed? I could absolutely see it, they lost a child found out the aliens were taking over earth. Would Scully commit him rather than leave him alone in that house? For sure. And it would’ve apparently been the culmination of the plot line Morgan and Wong had worked towards since the beginning... 
Realistically, he might've been lost for a while with the end of the quest for his sister. I get it, you work your entire life for something and its always just within reach and when you finally accomplish it, you think well what now? You’d thought, you’d held onto the fact that when you got to the top of the mountain you would feel happy and accomplished and relieved. But when you turn around at the summit from the horizon of the breadth of your work, youre met with yet another peak ahead. Some other goal, some other thing that occupies your mind because thats what your mind is used to.
You’re just going to have a really hard time convincing me for Mulder it was searching for proof of Aliens in random magazines, (when he knows there are aliens and they have invasion plans) instead of preventing the 2012 thing, publishing actual papers under his Luder pseudonym, and making sure Scully knew how much he loved her as his family had never done for him, making sure he made Samantha proud and lived the life she missed once he let her memory rest. 
Thirdly he is intelligent, a psych major with alien superpowers, who graduated from Oxford. Would he be bumbling around making paranormal magazine collages a la Charlie Kelly when he ALREADY knows the endgame? Would he be dealing with random cases and helping the FBI who betrayed him and put him on death row?
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Or would he be using Marita Covarrubias and his apparent new power to speak to the dead to try and stop the invasion by any means necessary? Would he be combing over Maritas paperwork, medical records, UN contacts, payment histories to find, like all those bees in Tunisia for example? Would he not be having Scully research this magnetite thing and getting papers written about its properties so that when the hybrids make themselves known there would be literature for people to find? or engineering an anti bee-virus virus? (damn those effing bees btw) Would he not be using every power of his beautiful mind to continue fighting in any way he could, fully of the reservation? 
And could Scully then rightly say don’t bring that darkness into our home? Because my answer would be no. Even if she did go back to being a medical doctor (Im going to ignore the surgeon part because its out of character and would take her redoing residency etc. lets labor under the impression she’s a family doctor or ER doctor). They were right about one thing, the darkness follows them, and would still even if they both stopped looking. Thats the show after all.
Would she maybe have wanted a vacation where he could row her to a deserted island in the adirondacks? Sure. Would she be okay with letting an alien invasion happen in 2012 and saying to Mulder stop fighting? No. When one of them quits the other supports and encourages them back to the mission. Thats the show. If anything Scully having the breakdown about that darkness would’ve made more sense.
Anyway my point being, the transition from Mulder fighting for the big picture to him being a sad shell of himself in his hoarder office, telling Scully they weren't meant to be together is... jarring to say the least, and nonsensical. 😔
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wortsandall · 5 months ago
i feel like layla is hard to write and its not her fault. id hate for her to end up being just the wife to marc or in some kind of caretaker role, but at the same time the one season of the show doesn't give us much to work with.
she's just kind of there. its hard to get a handle on her character because she's there as a wife reveal. she definitely cares about marc and has justifiable anger towards him and the situation. but its hard to gauge her actual motivations. all we know about her is:
she steals stuff that was stolen first
shes married to marc
her work is an extension of her dad being an archeologist
she worked with marc
so its clear that she cares about justice being served. and from working with tawaret she cares about others lives and children (but that's a given for most female characters)
as a result, esspecially in writing her, i feel i lean into the more negative traits we see because that makes her feel more like a rounded character. i want to focus on her impatience, maybe her anger. but also she was quick to forgive marc (kind of) and i think that can be a flaw. quick to forgive the ones she loves, which could get her into situations.
but i also want to place doubts on her. she's not just marc's wife but a person in her own right with flaws. and i think there's potential to explore how much she did not believe steven at first. when exactly did she start to think that it was real, and not marc making shit up to avoid her? what if a part of her was still waiting for marc to say "sike" and that's why she almost kissed steven or feels drawn to him? what if?
but i also don't want marc to be the start and end to her character. there's interesting groundwork, even if we havent seen that much of her. like her relationship with her dad and Egyptian archeology in general.
i kind of don't want her to be nurturing. i want her to be compassionate but not in motherly way. i want her to be a good friend and a good person with her own hang ups. its difficult to be pretty much the sole support for someone who is severely mentally ill and struggling, but that doesn't make her a bad person necessarily.
but im also thinking about fandom reactions to an extent. if you make a female character do anything even slightly negative, people accuse you of being misogynist. even if you're simply not that compelled by her character. and people say they hate it when female characters are only depicted as care takers, but they take issue if you change them in any way. but im trying to ignore the critic in my head.
my point is that im not all that compelled by layla or her relationship with marc, which makes it hard to write because i still want layla in their life. but layla confuses me as a character as she's just kind of there. and even when she has her moments that are compelling, it's quickly moved on from. like marc being there when her dad died or her not believing steven for a good chunk of the show. so its a weird dichotomy where she's justifiably angry but not angry enough. but maybe i can do something with that.
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abcwordsurge · 10 months ago
hi bee my buddy bee! can you kinassign ninjago characters to some wttt characters? like which character is like who. i havent watched ninjago since i was a little kid,, so i cant remember much but id love you to tell me about it :^]
the absolute delight I felt when I saw this ask was incredible. I had a long car drive this afternoon (well, as of the time of posting, yesterday) and thinking about this ask was the perfect way to spend it. of course, now it's time to write down all those thoughts. this is going to get LONG. (if you want to hear about ninjago, then, heh, you came to the right place.) I'll put it all under a cut. first, though, you are absolutely wonderful and thank you so much for this ask :]
gonna go in order of when I thought of them. which means, first up is my favorite ninja!
Nya - Rhode Island
the most obvious reason for this connection is the mutual hot headedness. they are both so quick to anger, and both tend to hold grudges for far longer than is normal.
but it's more than that. both of them feel an urge to compensate for what they perceive as a disadvantage. for Rhodey, of course, it's his height. (he is, as always, very self conscious about his height.) for Nya, it's her gender. I mean, she spent four seasons being excluded from the other ninja for her gender, and for plenty of the other seasons, she was still pushed to the sidelines. of course she has a little bit of internalized misogyny. (side note- I do think that's why she seems so determined to not enjoy traditionally "feminine" things. because she thinks it makes her weak. I'd actually love to write a fic where she goes on a girl's day out with Pixal and Skylor and learns to respect feminity and start dealing with her internalized misogyny. but anyway.)
last thing for this duo: Nya is, of course, the master of water, and Rhodey is the ocean state. it's just perfect
Kai - Ohio
the best description I've ever seen of Kai was something along the lines of "he's not hot headed so much as he is reckless and in a bit of a rush." Ohio is much the same. he's called the Florida of the midwest, but he can't quite reach the levels of chaos that Florida sets. he's just... reckless and in a bit of a rush.
beyond that, both of them are definitely comic relief sorts of characters. both are goofy and a little airheaded, and both are pretty intense in a very amusing way. still, both are very friendly and like to be around people (even if they tend to be somewhat overbearing, and tease people more than they might like)
and I would be remiss not to mention their mutual pyromania. that's half the reason I thought of them as a duo so quickly.
Cole - Loui
this one's pretty straightforward. they're both very relaxed and down to earth (cough cough master of earth cough). they're both loyal to a fault. although reasonable on their own, if they have the right partner, they can be quite chaotic. for Loui, that partner would be, of course, Florida. for Cole, it could really be any of the other ninja in the right circumstances- but the first to come to mind is Jay. (or maybe Kai. it depends.)
they also both love food. for Loui, this manifests more as making and sharing food. for Cole, it's more so... eating food. (he has tried, countless times, to cook for his friends, but it never goes well. Zane has all but banned him from the kitchen.)
Faith - New York
interestingly enough, this is the only pair on this list where I thought of the state first, then came up with a connecting ninjago character. now, Faith is a very minor character, so just so you know, she's a dragon hunter in season nine.
she and York both have massive anger issues, and tend to take them out physically (either by yelling / making general sounds of annoyance, or by kicking things around). they're both quite gruff, pretty no nonsense, don't take crap, etc. neither of them are very friendly, but they're competent, and useful to have around. good people at heart, but it takes a while to get to that heart.
Harumi - Nevada
this started as "they're both attractive and they know it." both absolutely have the potential to be villains. it's realized for Harumi, but for Nevada it's more of a theoretical "what if they got bitter at their unfair treatment and to 'fix' things they burned down the entire nation." they're both good actors, and good liars.
the biggest reason I kinassigned them, though, is because in the end, they'd both follow orders. for Harumi, this happens in season fifteen. she always seems to end up in a spot where her freedom is dependent upon doing what's told of her. as for Nevada, well. we've seen it in their joining the table video. they literally have to do what Gov says.
Jay - Cali
both of them will talk your ear off if given the chance. I feel like both tend to feel like outsiders, both are desperate to be liked and feel like part of the team, and both are kinda losers (/aff).
Jay is very quick to share what he's feeling, and his attitude is very much "if I think it, you hear it." Cali is this way too, in a sense, though usually it's more facts and correcting other people for Cali. but the main point is that they're both certified yappers.
Pixal - Iowa
I absolutely love both of these characters, and both of them are very underrated. they both tend to blur into the background, and they're far too easy to ignore. (which makes sense for Iowa, since there are fifth states and Ben can't exactly give all of them all of his attention, but Pixal? come on, ninjago writers, you can at least pretend to care about her existence.)
however, when they do show up, both of them are genuinely very nice, both are dedicated and detail-oriented, and if given the chance, both can be quite sassy. ("every part of me is annoyed!" is a Pixal line that lives in my head rent free. I love her.)
Wyldfyre - Massachusetts
when I started this list, I told myself, "no dragons rising characters," in a useless attempt to not be writing till the sun goes down. but come on. this is just too perfect. both of them are energetic and kinda rude and very impatient, both of them are loud and obnoxious at times (/aff), and both of them are far too eager to start a war.
the real thing though? both of them care so, so much about their family. for Mass, that's the northeast (especially Maine and New York come to mind- "no one gets to kill you but me" is an iconic protective Mass quote). for Wyldfyre, that's Kai and Heatwave. (side note- Kai and Wyldfyre are The duo ever, they're so cute together. if you don't know who they are, I want to be clear, it's like a father daughter dynamic ((Wyldfyre is WAY younger than Kai)), and it's hilarious.)
Skylor - Arizona
both are hot, though with Arizona it's temperature, and with Skylor it's, well, look at her. also don't tell me Ari wouldn't have hair just like Skylor's. he would love that long red ponytail look.
also, both are very dangerous. Arizona has his rough terrain and all the animals and cacti that want to kill you, and Skylor has super op powers (they had to change the conditions of her powers in the later seasons because otherwise there wouldn't be any drama- Skylor would just win the war all by herself). however, despite what they could do to either hurt or help people, I think if given the chance, both would be totally chill and, I dunno, run a noodle shop for the rest of their life. and y'know what? love that for them.
Zane - Alaska
ok, last one, finally. I at first saw the connection between these two that they are both very cold. they're both quite reasonable and intelligent, not to mention large and basically indestructible. (has anyone counted how many times Zane has died so far? seven, maybe? and he's still kicking!)
in a bit deeper sense, though, they're both outsiders. for Alaska, this is, of course, due to geography. for Zane, it's because he's a nindroid, and despite his best efforts, he doesn't quite understand what it's like to be human. they are different in that Alaska tries to avoid the others and Zane tries to understand and be a part of the others, but nonetheless.
alright! this is far, far from a comprehensive list. I didn't do all of the characters- hell, I didn't even do all of the main characters. but that is all of the strong connections I can make between characters, and besides, I think this post is long enough haha. this was so fun to answer, thank you so much for asking this, you are incredible <3 /p
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takami-takami · 2 years ago
hii I love all ur posts and writing !! (bare with me english not my native language but talking with people helps)
just wanted to ask what do u think hawks would be like when thinking abt getting married, some people think he isnt that type of person more like douchebag / playboy etc but hes a sweetheart deep down considering everything that happened to him (and "mean!hawks" too IDK hes prob just a annoying tease in bed) anyways i was thinking about it earlier and i was like wtf would he do, im sure he would do it in private but other than that idk because the commission, planning, what are ur thoughts? maybe he would be really anxious thinking about it but he knows ur the one? nobody has written about this like for real ( i THINK) if u or someone else has tell me PLEASE. i"ve been thinking about it for a while (a Lil embarrassed ngl)
just asking what u think in general what he would do bc like said havent seen anyone talk about it
at the start of the relationship, he's probably like nervous to even be in one but after like 3 months or something he probably wants to be with you forever and never let u go, it would be a bit hard for him to plan it all out because he barely has anyone to talk about it other than you unless he hired someone which no.. i think because he wants to make it special from his heart + the commission giving him any time to do anything let alone a honey moon and blah ya know?
other than that im stumped no idea
(u can ignore idm !! )
(MHA season 6 episode 3 spoilers ahead!)
People say Hawks is a playboy, but that couldn't be further from the truth. He's such a sweetheart. Self sacrificing.
I think he falls hard. It is extremely difficult for him to trust, given not only his childhood, but his time with the commission, too. With the amount of undercover dirty work they made him do, there's no doubt they taught him from very young to trust no one. The message from his parents and the commission is clear: he can only trust himself.
But... We know Keigo still feels; so, so strongly. Dabi mocks him for it, mocks him because he can't stop himself from being "distracted by his emotions". Even when he knows what he's "supposed" to do in the Twice scene, he hesitates because it fucking hurts, he still feels pangs of empathy. Despite all he was taught about shutting off your emotions, that's something he still can't do completely, even if he ultimately decides to do the opposite of what he feels.
So. It would take a very, very long time for him to truly open up to you, much less recognize his feelings as romantic (he goes through a stage of denial, because he never saw himself actually being "selfish" and allowing himself a real relationship). But once he has his mind made up, and really makes that decision to be yours, he will not give that up for anything. He follows through to the end.
I think he always wanted to get married. Not in the way his parents did; he never did have a good example. But the way people on TV did, the way they wax poetic about in songs he never understood. He is definitely the marriage, soulmates kind of guy. He craves that slow, that domesticity, to protect.
You make such a good point that he wouldn't know what to do because he has no one to talk about it with... But he knows he wants it to be special. He would fret and fuss so hard about it being perfect, trying to impress you and stressing over it so badly.
Until one day, you grab his hand and tell him, "lets get married, right here. Right now." It doesn't have to be official to be entirely authentic and in love and you. To the backdrop of the dim light of a summer evening, under the flourescent glow of the string lights adorning your back porch, you have your first dance to the tune of the creaky wood beneath your feet. You dance to the tune of a love song he finally understands.
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